Thursday, November 18, 2010


Have you ever held something in so long that one day you just feel like your going to burst?
That's me, in one sentence. Sure i'll tell people what's going on in my life but not all of it. i've never had that one person where i can just tell them EVERYTHING, every feeling, every thought, everything that has ever gone through my head. and that's why i created a blog.

 Because i feel i don't need someone to read it, i don't need someone to tell everything too, just somewhere to get my feelings out. and that's my blog. i'm new to this whole blog thing so everyone i hope gets better, maybe, maybe not. who cares. it's my blog. so if you follow, Thank you! i'm glad you take time out of your day to read about my life; all the good and terrible things i'm thinking or that happen.

But back to how it started. since i've never found that person i tell everything to i often have days i'd like to call "suckfest days." These days are the ones where i don't care what you say to me, or how annoyed you get with my attitude,  i'm in an awful mood, i don't really talk to anyone and i sulk. so if i ignored you today, sorry. but i feel i might burst. i don't know why but that's how i feel. and yeahh. i just had to get all that out.

This blog was probably reallllly annoying so i'm sorry but now you know why i blog.


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