Last weekend I went to Watermarks camp in Scottsville Virginia with my church youth group. I've been to watermarks every year since my 6th grade year and its the best camp ever. It's one weekend out of the year that you get away from all the craziness in your life. Let me tell you my life has been CRAZY. So when the weekend approached i knew that i was going away to see basically my other family. Watermarks always seems to come at the best times in my life.
When we got to Watermarks i knew that i would cry saturday night. But i knew that i didn't plan to. So as saturday approached we did all of our team building activities, which were amazing. The obstacle course is always the most challenging. This year it was terrible. Everything was going great and my team was cheering each other on, and being so supportive. When we reached the last obstacle everything fell apart. The obstacle was to build a "car" and get our whole team in it and ride in it. We started going and i was standing in the back when all of the sudden i fell out...and so did my team..on me....probably the most painful thing ever. But that's beside the point.
The title of this blog is Being Joyful. Every year, as i said, we cry on saturday night worship. This year i had some things on my heart, that i had cleared up before i came so i could come and be focused on my why we all came. For God. The speaker was great. Instead of crying i was so joyful. Most people sobbed, but i was the happiest person ever. The speaker made me joyful in Christ. The main thing that he talked about was getting God right now, not waiting and how to live out a relationship with him. I thought that i had it all together, until he said, God's not playing games. That's when i realized that i needed to get serious with God. Here are some quotes that our speaker said....
"If we are the same after we meet God them something is not right. "
"We think that we know ourselves until we are face to face with holiness."
"Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness are defined by our relationship with God."
"We are struggling to live better in the world-we should live in a kingdom of God."
"God calls us to overcome. "
"Live free."
"God wants to give us peace in the middle of a storm."
I learned this weekend, that you should be joyful in christ, and that I should be living differently and people should notice that i live differently. So now i a JOYFUL. <3
Romans 15:5
-May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.